Life Sciences Ontario commissioned Research Etc., an established Toronto research firm, to conduct a survey of pharmaceutical and other life sciences leaders on the Canadian price regulations policy environment.
Preliminary results of the survey are now available, drawing on 23 responses from unique organizations representing Canadian and global pharma leaders. Data will continue to be collected in the coming weeks, and other stakeholders in the life sciences ecosystem are also taking part in the research, including contract research organizations, biotech incubators and service organizations that are key players in funding, researching and delivering new medicines for the benefit of Canadian patients and our health systems.
The survey aims to better understand the level of awareness of the Canadian government’s plans to implement changes to how patented medicine prices are regulated, which are slated to come into effect on July 1, 2020. The survey also seeks to understand whether and how the new price controls are impacting business decisions in Canada.
To review the preliminary results of the survey, please visit HERE.