Clinical Trails Ontario: 2023 Clinical Trials Conference
NovemberNov 08 2023 - NovemberNov 09 2023
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- weeks

We look forward to connecting with our community to collaborate, exchange knowledge and advance efforts to enhance the environment for clinical trials in Ontario and beyond. Stay tuned for details about CTO’s in-person conference on the conference website and follow us on Twitter for updates at @clinicaltrialON!
Stay tuned for updates at
Have an idea for a session?
Each year, we strive to create an agenda that addresses the themes and topics our clinical trials community is talking about. If there is a topic or speaker you would like to see at #CTOConf2023, please email
Exhibitors & Sponsors
The CTO 2023 Clinical Trials Conference will include the annual Innovation Showcase exhibition hall, spotlighting organizations in the clinical trials community, and a number of exciting partnership opportunities. Details and a sponsorship prospectus will be shared in the coming months. If you are interested in profiling your organization at the event, or have questions, please contact
Event expired
Event is in progress