Creating A Robust Life Science Strategy: Best Practice Sharing Between Denmark, Ontario and Quebec
OctoberOct 05 2022 09:00am - 10:00am
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Creating A Robust Life Science Strategy:
Best Practice Sharing Between Denmark, Ontario and Quebec
October 5
9am - 10am
Join us on October 5th for the pre-forum webinar to kick start the new LSO Ideas to Action Life Sciences Forum (formerly, LSO Policy Forum).
Christina Kibsgaard, Chief special adviser, Life Science team, Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs of Denmark
Frank Béraud, Président & CEO, Montréal InVivo
Andrew Guy, Director, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
On behalf of the Royal Danish Embassy, the Danish Life Sciences Forum, and Life Sciences Ontario, it is our pleasure to invite you to attend a panel discussion with a focus on best practices for developing a strong life science strategy. Denmark provides a rich source of insights to support the growth of an expanded life science industry in Ontario and Quebec. Life science is one of the largest sectors in the Danish economy, comprising almost 1,500 companies, with the value of the industry nearly doubling in the past decade. Last year, Denmark unveiled a 2021-23 strategy for the Danish life science industry, composed of 38 new initiatives across seven domains. Developed together with industry partners, the initiatives aim to improve conditions for R&D, expand the use of health data, secure a highly skilled workforce, and deliver on international partnerships and market access for the benefit of patients, healthcare system sustainability, and the economy.
Moderated by Jason Field, President, and CEO of Life Sciences Ontario, with representatives from Denmark, Ontario, and Quebec, this panel is set up for a rich dialogue to ensure ongoing innovation in the life sciences sector.
Key themes will include the economic pillars of the strategy, the resulting benefits to life sciences and the healthcare system, and the approach to public-private partnerships, exploring benefits, challenges and lessons learned.
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