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Designing Health Data Strategies for 21st Century Healthcare

MayMay 09 2019 04:40pm - 08:00pm

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Designing Health Data Strategies for 21st Century Healthcare Applications: Making health data more accessible to provide better care for patients

Personalized healthcare means that care is provided to the patient at the right time and at the right place.  This panel discussion will focus on the importance and value of the intensifying need for capturing and analysing health data in transforming care for Canadian patients.  We know your engagement will add to the deliberations which we hope will result in a call for action that make better use of health data to inform personalized care strategies for patients.

This conference is part of an annual series hosted by Dean Reznick and the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University. Our series is aimed at emphasizing the strategic importance of partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders in improving patient care.


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Britton Smith Lecture Theatre Room 132A (SOM) 15 Arch Street, Kingston, Ontario, K7M3N6, Canada


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