iBEST Symposium
JuneJun 14 2018
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8th Annual iBEST Symposium:
June 14th, 2018
Join us on June 14th, 2018 for the 8th Annual iBEST Symposium, an annual research conference jointly organized by St. Michael’s Hospital and Ryerson University featuring keynote lectures, presentations from our researchers, a trainee design competition and more!
Thursday, June 14th, 2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
209 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
2018 Symposium Agenda
8:45 to 9:00 am
Registration & Breakfast (The Bernie and Mildred Syron Exhibit Hall)
9:00 to 9:30 am
Welcome and Introductions (LKSKI Allan Waters Family Auditorium)
Opening Remarks from Dr. Arthur Slutsky & Dr. Steven Liss;
Introduction from Dr. Ori Rotstein & Dr. Sri Krishnan
9:30 to 10:30 am
Keynote Presentation: Dr. Milica Radisic (Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry)
10:30 to 10:45 am
Coffee Break
10:45 am to 12:00 pm
Design Competition: Innovation Showcase (LKSKI Allan Waters Family Auditorium)
Trainee team finalists will pitch their designed, biomedical-related solutions to our judges and the audience for multiple prizes and incubation opportunities!
2018 Design Competition Shortlist
Automate - Physiological Fatigue Detection System for Drowsy Driving Prevention
Understanding Physiologic Oxygen and Red Blood Cells using Microfluidics
Analyze My Voice - A Smartphone App for Parkinsonian Dysphonic Screening and Monitoring
Judges Panel
Dr. Bryan Koivisto, Associate Professor, Director, Science Discovery Zone
Dr. Fazila Seker, Director, Technology & Venture Development, MaRS Innovation
Dr. Rafik Loutfy, Director, Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Dr. Ryan Van Wert, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Biomedical Zone
Tony Orsi, Partner, Bereskin & Parr LLP
12:00 to 1:30 pm
iBEST Expo: (Tony & Anne Arrell Classrooms 240/241 | The Bernie and Mildred Syron Exhibit Hall)
Scientists and staff from both institutions will present their research programs, highlight their research capacity and will be available for discussion to enhance collaborative activities. Industry, government and community partners will also participate in the exhibition.
*Lunch will be served*
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Faculty Event: Research Theme Presentations
Investigators from each iBEST research theme will present their research and explore opportunities for collaboration and knowledge translation, followed by a panel discussion and audience feedback.
Dr. April Khademi, presenting on behalf of the Healthcare Analytics & Applications (HAA) Research Theme
Dr. Miranda Kirby, presenting on behalf of the Biomedical Imaging & Therapy (BIT) Research Theme
Dr. Howard Leong-Poi, presenting on behalf of the Biomedical Delivery Systems (BDS) Research Theme
Dr. Mohammad Qadura, presenting on behalf of the Biomaterials, Tissue Injury & Repair (BTR) Research Theme
2:45 to 3:00 pm
Coffee Break
3:00 to 4:00 pm
Keynote Presentation: Dr. Asoke Nandi, Professor, Electronic & Computer Engineering (CEDPS), Brunel University London, IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer (2018-19)
4:00 to 4:15 pm
Announcement of Contest Winners and Closing Remarks (LKSKI Allan Waters Family Auditorium)
4:15 to 5:00 pm
Social & Mixer (LKSKI 211)
Join us for a social co-hosted by The Biomedical Zone and The St. Michaels Research Student Association (SRSA)!
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