The International Centre for Translational Digital Health: Advancing the Scale and Spread of Digital Health Innovations
AprilApr 27 2023 08:00am - 09:00am
- hours
- days
- weeks
Location: Marsh - Suite 800, 120 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5J 0A8
Event Fees:
- Members: $10
- Non-members: $30
- Students: $5
8:00-8:05 LSO President opening remarks
8:05-8:15 Intro to the ICTDH [Emily]
8:15-8:25 Highlights of recent activities [Niels]
8:25-8:35 Validitron presentation [Daniel]
8:35-8:55 Panel discussion
8:55-9:00 Wrap-up
Many digital health innovations, even those with evidence of effectiveness, do not reach the point of being adopted as part of standard of care. For those innovations that are implemented in a local context, there are many barriers to scaling and spreading them, especially internationally. An opportunity exists to build an international community of relevant stakeholders (i.e., healthcare providers, patients and caregivers, private industry, researchers, government, healthcare institutions, etc.) to solve healthcare problems together, opposed to our current model of siloed and duplicated efforts.
The International Centre for Translations Digital Health (ICTDH) was formed as a collaboration between the Universities of Toronto, Manchester, and Melbourne. Its mission is to advance the field of digital health in Canada, the UK, and Australia through research and training in order to realize the development, implementation, and translation of inclusive and equitable technologies, policies, and service delivery models. During this breakfast meeting, we will introduce the ICTDH and present some of its past and future activities, which will be followed by a discussion period.
Emily Seto
Emily Seto is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto, and a Professional Engineer of Ontario. She co-leads the Health Systems AI and the Health Informatics Research emphases of the Health Services Research programs at IHPME. She is also a research scientist at the UHN Centre for Digital Therapeutics and at the Techna Institute.
Dr. Seto has over 20 years of expertise in research and implementation in the fields of bioengineering and health informatics. Her research interests include mHealth, telehomecare, user-centred design processes, women’s health, implementation science, and tools to enable patient self-care and improved clinical management especially for those with complex chronic conditions. In particular, one of her main research interests is exploring how technology-enabled chronic disease management programs can be integrated into healthcare delivery models to support patients with multiple chronic conditions. Her research interests also span to global digital health with respect to scaling and spreading digital health innovations internationally, including low- and middle-income countries. She is the Principle Investigator of several past and current clinical trials using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. As an example, she is currently leading a multi-site propensity-matched trial named the SMaRT (Safe, Managed, and Responsive Transitions) trial that is exploring the combination of a smartphone-based multiple chronic disease management platform (Medly) that incorporates telemonitoring, with a nurse-led model of care to improve outcomes of patients recently discharged from hospital.
Dionne Aleman
Dionne Aleman is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, and holds appointments in the UofT Institute for Health Policy, Management & Evaluation, the UofT Institute for Pandemics, and the UHN Techna Institute. She received her PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (2007), MSc from the University of Florida (2006), and BSc from the University of Florida (2003).
Dr. Aleman’s research focuses on the application of operations research to medical and healthcare systems to improve the quality, timeliness, and efficiency of care. This research includes using optimization, simulation, machine learning, and graph theory to design and validate radiation therapy treatment plans, to predict and mitigate the spread of pandemic diseases in urban populations, to improve hospital surgical scheduling, and to optimize organ transplant matches and multi-person chains. Dr. Aleman has held grants from NSERC, CFI, ORF, and NSF for her research. She is a two- term past President of the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS). Within the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), she currently serves on the Committee for Teaching and Learning, and has previously served as Chair of the Health Applications Society (HAS), President of the Public Sector OR Section (PSOR), President of the Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG), Chair of INFORM-ED, and TutORials co-chair. Dr. Aleman is also a Topical Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Associate Editor for IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Associate Editor for OMEGA, Associate Editor for the International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining, and Editorial Board Member of Operations Research in Health Care.
Wendy Chapman
Wendy Chapman is the Associate Dean of Digital Health and Informatics at the University of Melbourne, as well as the Director of the Centre for Digital Transformation of Health. She is an elected fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and the US National Academy of Medicine and serves as a Board member of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health.
Prof. Chapman’s research aims to leverage data and digital technology to transform healthcare delivery. She spent two decades developing and evaluating natural language processing algorithms and has led many multidisciplinary programs of work focused on research, education, and application of digital health.
Daniel Capurro
I am a Medical Doctor, trained in Internal Medicine, and hold a PhD in Biomedical and Health Informatics from the University of Washington in Seattle. I am the Deputy Director of the Centre for Digital Transformation of health where I co-lead the Digital health Validitron (a pipeline to validate digital health innovations in a way similar to what happens with drugs and vaccines) and the Data Science stream.
My main interest is to develop methods to improve the use of clinical data for research. This includes the use of electronic health records and the data collected in them, using artificial intelligence to predict some diseases and complications and process mining to understand the best ways to organize care. I have extensive applied experience in health informatics since I was the Chief Medical Information Officer for Chile's Catholic University university healthcare network (2 hospitals, 11 clinics) during 4 years and I founded the Chilean National Centre for Health Information Systems, a 5-university initiative to implement healthcare information interoperability standards and to develop the health informatics workforce in the Chile.
Niels Peek
I am Professor of Health Informatics in the Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Science (School of Health Sciences, FBMH), and Director of the Christabel Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology Research and Innovation. My background is in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
My research focuses on translational data science for risk prediction, personalised and precision medicine, patient safety, and multimorbidity. I have co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications. From 2013 to 2017 I was the President of the Society for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. From 2016 to 2020, I led the Greater Manchester Connected Health City, which was part of a £20M government investment to establish a learning health system in the North of England. In April 2017, I organised the Informatics for Health 2017 conference in Manchester which was attended by more than 800 people from 30 countries. In the same year, I also co-chaired the Scientific Programme Committee of MEDINFO-2017, the 16th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics, which was held in Hangzhou, China. I am associate editor of BMJ Health and Care Informatics, and a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association and the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal. I am a fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and a fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics.
Angela Davies
Ang Davies graduated with a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Bath, before completing a PhD in Molecular Biology at Warwick University. She then undertook a postdoctoral research fellowship at AstraZeneca and moved to Renovo, a biotech company in Manchester as Principal Scientist working in drug development analytics.
Ang is a Professor of Clinical Bioinformatics and Healthcare Science Education in the School of Health, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester.
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