LSO Knowledge and Networking Breakfast November 2020
NovemberNov 19 2020 08:00am - 10:00am
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Applications and opportunities for life sciences in mining and remediation in Northern Ontario
November 19th
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT
- Mark Kean, President, Mikro-Tek Inc
About Mikro-Tek Inc:Mikro-Tek is a carbon project developer and supplier of carbon offset credits generated through the application of their technology in land use projects such as forestry. Since 2003, Mikro-Tek has planted new forests on more than 7,500 hectares of unproductive land in Chile, and has applied their technology in reforestation projects in the Canadian boreal forest. Together these forest carbon sequestration projects have generated approximately 1.4 million offset credits that are available to industry to help them meet their emission reduction targets in an environmentally sustainable way. In 2010 Mikro-Tek registered their Chilean project with the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. It was the first registered CDM forestry project in Chile, seventh in the world, and the first CDM project completed by a Canadian company. In 2013, Mikro-Tek‘s forestry projects in Chile were registered under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). Currently the company has 1.4 million verified carbon units (VCUs) registered and available to help industry and governments meet their emission reduction targets. - Nadia Mykytczuk, Associate Professor and Industrial Research Chair, Laurentian University
Bio: Dr. Mykytczuk is an environmental microbiologist studying extreme environments, with a focus on mining microbiology in cold climates. In 2016, she was awarded a 5-year Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Industrial Research Chair to lead a program in Biomining, Bioremediation and Science Communication. In this position, Nadia works closely with academic, industry, government researchers, and community stakeholders to develop clean technologies for mining and environmental remediation. To make this possible, Nadia invests her time in training undergraduate and graduate students, along with post-doctoral researchers that are the engine driving the success of this research innovation. Nadia is passionate about communicating science, engaging different audiences around science issues, and working together to develop solutions for our environmental challenges.
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