MedEdge Summit 2018
JuneJun 19 2018
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Experience the New MedEdge 2.0!
A more intimate event with structured networking, roundtables and
1-on-1 prescheduled meetings with subject matter experts to help you find partners, build connections and make sales!
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2018
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Richmond Hill Country Club
8905 Bathurst St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0H4 [MAP]
Organized by: The Town of Richmond Hill and ventureLAB
At the MedEdge 2.0 Summit, you will learn from companies who have been successful selling into other provinces, and what tips and tricks you need to know to be successful.
Learn and connect with representatives from technology accelerators, OHIS innovation broker, Bloom Burton venture capital funder, BMZ clinical validation expert, HTF specialist, IRAP, Mackenzie Innovation Institute (Mi²), BDC, Bereskin and Parr Legal/IP experts and university research programs during roundtable discussions.
Plus, you’ll get the chance to network with key industry contacts and leaders in business via the Speed Networking or the 1-on-1 prescheduled meetings.
By the end of the day, you will
1. FIND potential strategic partners
2. BUILD connections and gain insights on how to grow your company
3. MAKE sales through learning and networking opportunities with leading companies, entrepreneurs, government resources and healthcare providers
The admission to MedEdge 2.0 is $50.00 + taxes (until May 31st).
Why is there a cost now? After 7 successful MedEdge Summits, we have reimagined the event format to accommodate the demand for more networking and meaningful connections. We are delighted to introduce MedEdge 2.0 at a new venue in a more intimate setting, and to give you more opportunities to meet with a high caliber of companies, speakers, subject matter experts and decision makers to help grow your business.
Seating is Limited!
Be part of the life science event of the year!
For more information including a list of all the speakers and event agenda, visit
Interested in exhibiting your technology, products or services to a well-targeted audience at MedEdge 2.0? Click here
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