Octagon Health Data Science Competition
NovemberNov 09 2018
- hours
- days
- weeks
- Date: November 9, 2018
- Team Registration Deadline: November 1, 2018
- Location: University of Toronto Mississauga
- Award for winning team: $5,000
- Eligibility: undergraduate, graduates and post-doctoral fellows; professionals planning to return to school
- Registration: Please send each team member's name, email, and current institution/degree program/company to j.mccarney@utoronto.ca
- Data Set Download: Instructions for data access will be sent Friday Nov 2nd at 9:00 AM
- Analysis Due: Monday Nov 4th 9:00 AM to j.mccarney@utoronto.ca
- Report Format: (1-5 pages text and a maximum of 10 figures in the appendix; 12 point Palatino font ;1.5 line spacing; 250 word abstract)
- Short list: Teams on short list will receive a notification by Nov 7th
- Team Presentations: Teams on short list will present at the UTM campus Friday November 9th at 10 AM.
- Presentation Duration: 15 minute presentation followed by questions
Event expired
Event is in progress
University of Toronto, MacLeod Auditorium, 1 King’s College Circle, TorontoDirections
Could not find route!