Understanding infringement and enforcement
JanuaryJan 13 2021 09:00am - 10:55am
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As the scientific community continues to tackle some of the world’s most challenging diseases, research and innovation has led to the discovery of new uses for previously known medicines. Patents that cover these new uses are often called “second medical use” patents.
This form of patent protection has drawn much attention in recent years as courts around the world continue to adjudicate the complex questions that underlie them:
- What form can second medical use claims take?
- What must be established for a second medical use patent to be infringed?
- How do you enforce a second medical use patent?
- Can you prevent off-label use?
On January 13, join members of Gowling WLG's global Intellectual Property Group as they explore these and other questions in a live webinar. Focusing chiefly on the UK, Canada, Russia and China, we outline the key opportunities and obstacles surrounding second medical use patent protection, and help you understand what to expect when a second medical use patent reaches the court.
Have questions that you would like us to address during the webinar? Please submit them here by January 4. Our presenters will answer as many submitted questions as possible.
*This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of CPD credits with the LSO and LSBC, and may be eligible for up to 1 hour of CPD/CLE credits in other jurisdictions. If you indicate that a certificate is required on your registration form, we will email you your certificate after the session.
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