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Value-Based Healthcare through Collaboration: How do we make progress?

MayMay 16 2018 04:30pm - 07:30pm

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The healthcare system has significantly struggled to balance the need for restraining cost growth of healthcare delivery and to invest in the adoption of healthcare innovation.  The drivers of this challenge include the inevitable increase in the per unit cost of innovative technologies versus existing technologies, limited budgets in an environment of increasing demand driven by demographics and a fundamental lack of incentives across the health care system to adopt new technologies.

Why do we need to address this issue of poor adoption of innovation in the healthcare system?  For the healthcare system, failure to adopt new technologies prevents optimal and up-to-date patient care and challenges the sustainability of the healthcare system by limiting productivity improvements as it tries to “do more with the same resources”.  For the Healthcare industry, (especially Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals) the inability to sell it’s inventions into the Canadian healthcare system leads to a significant erosion of the economic status of the sector.  This leads to less incentive to bring new health innovations to Canada, less investment in health-related R&D from the private sector and a deterioration of Canada’s ability to participate in the significant growth of the global healthcare economy.   No one is happy with the current situation.

In response to these challenges government has invested tremendous amounts into Pan-Canadian Health Organizations (PCHOs) who are essentially regulators acting as procurement arms of the government.  Some of the key PCHOs include Health Canada, CADTH, PMPRB, PCPA and traditional procurement organization such as Plexxus.  It is widely believed that Value Based Healthcare demonstrating value-for-money is the key to making progress on the challenges based on the belief that if value can be demonstrated then innovation will be adopted.  However, demonstrating value is “easier said than done” and needs collaboration and trust between Industry, Academia and the Healthcare system which currently does not exist.

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Feb 05 04:30pm
Plenary Speaker
Mr. Kevin Empey, Former Supervisor, Brockville General Hospital
Feb 05 03:50pm
Panel Discussion
Feb 05 05:50pm
Closing Remarks
Mr. Paul Huras, CEO of the Southeast Local Health Integration Network
Feb 05 06:00pm
Networking Reception

Dr. David Pichora

President and CEO of Kingston Health Sciences Centre

Ms. Heather Chalmers

Vice-Chair, MEDEC and VP and General Manager, GE Healthcare Canada

Mr. Martin Gurbin

Innovation Broker for Health Systems, Office of the Chief Health Innovation Strategist

Mr. Dov Klein

Director of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at Plexxus

Mr. Ed Dybka

Member of the Federal Health and Biosciences Economic Strategy Table and Past President & CEO, AstraZeneca Canada

Ms. Iris Ko

former Director, Strategic Policy and Innovation, Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and Professor, Georgian College and Adjunct Faculty at Odette School of Business, University of Windsor

Dr. Elspeth Murray

Associate Professor & Associate Dean of MBA and Masters Programs; and Director - Queens Centre for Business Venturing (QCED/QCBV) and CIBC Faculty Fellow in Entrepreneurship